Make Your Voice Heard!

Take a few seconds to make your voice heard and help Green Line get built! Submit your name and address in the form at the bottom of this page and the following letter will be automatically sent to Premier Kenney, Minister McIver and your local MLA.

Attention <Name of your MLA will go here>

I am writing you to ask that you use your influence to ensure that Stage 1 – Segment 1 (Elbow River to Shepard) of Calgary’s Green Line LRT moves forward without delay.

Now is the time to create 12,000 jobs.

Now is the time for a $4.5 billion economic stimulus to Alberta’s economy.

Now is the time to say ‘NO’ to further project delays and the higher project costs they lead to.

Now is the time to listen to mega-project experts hired by the City of Calgary. They have given their seal of approval.

Now is the time to think of hundreds of thousands of Calgarians who live, work and play along the Green Line corridor and how they will stand to benefit from this project.

Now is the time to commit to this great project.

Now is the time to put shovels in the ground.

Green Line: Now is the time. I ask you do what it takes to ensure construction begins summer of 2021.

Sincerely <You name will go here>
Email Address <Your email will go here>
Address <Your address will go here>